1、绝对优势理论(Absolute Advantage Theory):由英国经济学家亚当·斯密提出,认为各国在生产某些商品上拥有绝对优势,应通过国际贸易实现互利共赢。
2、相对优势理论(Relative Advantage Theory):由大卫·李嘉图提出,强调各国应根据相对优势进行专业生产和贸易。
3、要素禀赋理论(Factor Endowment Theory):由瑞典经济学家赫克歇尔和俄林提出,认为各国在要素禀赋上的差异是国际贸易的基础。
4、新贸易理论(New Trade Theory):强调不完全竞争、产品差异化和规模经济在国际贸易中的作用。
1、Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. This classic work is the foundation of modern trade theory, discussing the benefits of free trade and the role of absolute advantage in international trade.
2、David Ricardo. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Ricardo’s theory of relative advantage remains a fundamental concept in international trade theory and policy.
3、Heckscher, Eli F. and Bertil Ohlin. The Theory of Trade in Factors of Production. This theory provides a foundation for understanding the relationship between countries’ factor endowments and their trade patterns.
4、Krugman, Paul. Trade, Jobs and Income Distribution in a Global Economy: The Role of Comparative Advantage and Trade Liberalization Policies in the Real World. Krugman’s work on new trade theory has revolutionized our understanding of trade in differentiated products and the role of industrial organization in trade patterns.
5、World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO Publications provide an extensive collection of research papers, reports, and agreements that offer insights into the practical aspects of international trade and its policies.
6、Journal of International Economics and International Business Research (JIIBR). This journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality research on international trade and business, providing valuable insights into recent developments and trends in the field.